Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New Trends in Juggling

Here is an example of the new style in juggling as exemplified by Wes Peden. On a video it is hard to tell much in the way of stage presence or style, but technically one can see what this new juggling is all about. The props "dance," not necessarily the juggler. The patterns are difficult and intricate. Numbers are used. I am told he can pass 13 clubs, a record I think. This act goes beyond the work of the jugglers in Finland, who juggle difficult patterns but don't project much in the way of audience connection. The style is slightly choppy or, perhaps, it is just how it is photographed and presented. I would have to see him in person. However, it is clear that he has worked long and hard on perfecting these tricks. I'm impressed by the new style. It is clear that juggling will continue to evolve and expand.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Here we go baby!

Here is something that is just plain fun. Eddie Izzard as Mr. Kite in Across the Universe, in the song Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite. He manages to be larger than life, and yet retain his identity. Nice feat!
A fun pickup for a sometimes sleepy movie. I was surprised, and hope you will be too.

Monday, March 2, 2009


The secret is training. In Quebec City, the curriculum is 25-30 hours/week, not counting personal practice. So, how can a school hope to do it for less hours? Obama said that if you give Americans a challenge, they will rise up to it. So, it needs to be presented as a challenge. Get the funders. They're out there just itching to give money to something as sexy as circus. But, circus needs to grow up as an art form. It needs not only great tricks, but great music and great choreography. These artists are out there, I have met some. Don't try to guess. Collaborate. Elaborate. Let's not just pretend to "do circus" without any understanding of what that means. Doing a handstand is not doing an act. Many will be called, but few will be chosen, just like in any art form.
Think outside the box.